Resting, Introducing Graham, Money Update and Cakes

Have you ever known the right thing to do - but didn't actually do it? That's the position we find the local Roman ruler Pilot in this week as he judges Jesus. He knows Jesus is innocent - but he's too gutless to do what's right. Read Luke 23:1-12 to prepare for Sunday.

Sunday will be extra special as we baptise some believers.

A time to rest
Rest - and taking time off is an excellent thing - for so many reasons. It's a reminder that we are not God. We are created beings with the need to sleep. Recover. Rest. It's a reminder that God's world, and God's church, will continue without us.

I am thankful that I am part of a church where, as the minister, I'm not only allowed to rest, but encouraged to. On Monday I start a 3 month long break called "Long Service Leave". It's a time to rest, to enjoy God's world, to reflect, and to recover. This Sunday will my last Sunday until July. My family and I will be heading over to Western Australia and spending time in some of the most remote areas of Australia.

I look forward to returning refreshed and ready to keep serving God, and you, in Berala.

As I head off - let me remind that that God continues to work in Berala, and we need keep seeing people "make and grow followers of Jesus for God's Hnnour and Glory"

Introducing Graham
Whilst I'm away, Rev. Graham Crew will be coming to serve us at Berala. Graham is a Godly man with many years experience in ministry, and will do a great job leading us. Graham and his wife Jane (pictured below) will be joining us shortly after Easter. Please warmly welcome them and do all that you can to help him.

Money Update
Thank you to all who support our church by giving money. How we use our money, and giving to the local church, is one of the important ways we honour God as his followers.

We are significantly behind budget. This isn't unusual for the start of the year, but it's not something we can continue. We have great plans this year for all sorts of ministry things, including installing two new demountable. Your gifts will ensure it happens.

February numbers
Budget: $16,528
Actual: $11,585
Shortfall: $4,943

Year To Date
Budget: $33,056
Actual: $24,528
Shortfall: $8,528

If you can help out, you can transfer money into the church account:
Account name: St James Berala
BSB: 062 117
Account Number: 00900052

Market Day
On Saturday 2nd April, the Kids Church will be running a Cake Stall during market day (9-11am). It is a chance to raise money for flood victims - but also for our kids to serve and learn to serve.

It would be great if you popped down and bought a cake! See Christine if you'd like to help out the Cake Stall.

See Leonie if you'd like to help out at Market Day.

Prayer Meeting (Next meeting: Monday 4th April 7:45pm)
On the FIRST and THIRD Monday of the month (7:45 - 8:45pm), join us to pray to save the lost in our community. We meet remotely - here's the link to the meeting

Join us in person or online!
If you can't make church in person, you're welcome to join us online:

Mike Doyle