Church on Sunday and NCLS

How do you treat Jesus? We're continuing to look at the true story of Jesus as he approaches his death. It's a good time to think about how we treat Jesus. Read Luke 22:63-71 to prepare for Sunday.

Market Day and Cake Stall
On Saturday 2nd April, the Kids Church will be running a Cake Stall during market day (9-11am). It is a chance to raise money for flood victims - but also for our kids to serve and learn to serve.

It would be great if you popped down and bought a cake! See Christine if you'd like to help out the Cake Stall.

See Leonie if you'd like to help out at Market Day.

Church Survey
On Sunday, during church, we will be asking you to fill in a NCLS Church Survey. This is something we do every 5 years to help us understand the changing nature of our church. Can I ask for some help?

  • Can you help someone at church fill it in? Many people at church will need help filling it in.

  • Can you come to church and fill one in on Sunday? The more people who do it - the more information we know.

I'm heading away
On Monday April 4th I'm heading away for some Long Service Leave. I will be away until mid-July.

I am sad to be leaving you for a few months, but also excited by the opportunity to spend time with my family, and enjoy God's good creation.

Whilst I'm away, Rev. Graham Crew will be looking after church. You may have met him at the AGM. He is a wonderful, Godly, and experienced minister who will serve us all well. Please make him feel welcome.

Prayer Meeting (Next meeting: Monday 4th April 7:45pm)
On the FIRST and THIRD Monday of the month (7:45 - 8:45pm), join us to pray to save the lost in our community. We meet remotely - here's the link to the meeting

Join us in person or online!
If you can't make church in person, you're welcome to join us online:

Mike Doyle